This research report draws on the input of innumerable individuals who work with Live Art in the UK.
We would like to thank the many artists, producers, curators, programmers, writers, educators, researchers, funders and arts workers working with Live Art who have been part of our primary research activities – participating in focus groups, research roundtables, individual dialogue sessions, case studies and surveys. Their knowledge and insights have been absolutely invaluable to formulating this report and its recommendations.
Our gratitude goes to Live Art UK members and the research project’s advisory group of artists, organisations, producers, writers, academics and funders for their thoughtfulness and careful support in the development of this project. In particular, we would like to thank Deirdre Heddon, Mary Paterson, Matt Fenton, Stephen Greer and Tracy Gentles for their detailed feedback and attention to the process of drafting this report. We would also like to thank Clio Unger for her copyediting.
A huge thanks to all the artists whose work is featured and the photographers whose images appear in this report.
Respect and thanks to Studio Hyte, designers of the printed report and online platform, for their creativity, vision and patience in bringing this research to an audience.
We are enormously grateful to Arts Council England for funding this research project and to the individuals from several Arts Council England area offices who have made vital contributions to this research. We are especially appreciative of the advice, support and championing of Live Art by Andrew Ellerby, Justin Hunt and Jo Cowan. We would also like to thank Jennifer Cleary, Catherine Mitchell and Peter Heslip for their feedback in developing this report.
This research project would have been incomplete without the enduring guidance, assistance and generosity of the team at the Live Art Development Agency, past and present, namely Ben William Harris, CJ Mitchell, Finn Love, Joseph Morgan Schofield, Natalia Damigou Papoti, Rosaleigh Harvey-Otway. Special thanks go to Megan Vaughan of LADA for her meticulous support throughout the project, and we offer our deep appreciation to LADA’s co-founder and former Director Lois Keidan: we are indebted to Lois for sharing her tremendous knowledge of the sector.
Live Art Sector Research Collective
Live Art Sector Research – A Report Mapping the UK Live Art Sector
Published in 2021 by the Live Art Development Agency in partnership with Live Art UK
Live Art Development Agency (LADA), The Garrett Centre, 117A Mansford Street, Betnnal Green, London E2 6LX
Editors and project leads: Cecilia Wee & Elyssa Livergant
Research team: Cecilia Wee, Elyssa Livergant, Vivian Chinasa Ezugha, Johanna Linsley, Tarek Virani and Tim Jeeves
Copyediting: Clio Unger
Additional copyediting and proofreading: Megan Vaughan
Website accessibility advice: Barak adé Soleil
Design: Studio Hyte
Production: Arjun Harrsion-Mann, Benjamin Cain, Jordan Gamble, Eugene Tan
Typefaces: Avenir, Acumin Pro
Supported by Arts Council England
Artist and writer commissions © the individual contributors, 2021
The copyright for images remains with the artists and contributors.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
For terms, please see
All opinions expressed in the material contained within this publication are those of the artists and authors and not necessarily those of the editors, publishers or the publishers’ partners.
The editors and publishers have endeavoured to source accurate information about reproductions and image copyrights. In the case of incomplete or inaccurate information in image captions, upon request the editors will make every effort to correct subsequent editions where possible.